Welcome to the bupaverse!
We are happy to share with you a new release of bupaR, edeaR, processmapR and processcheckR, as well as two new packages: psmineR and bupaverse!
As the bupaR-ecosystem keeps growing, installing and loading the required packages, as well as handling name conflicts can be cumbersome. While the bupaR package carried some of the burden by loading core packages that were available, it was not able to also automatically install them, as they depended on bupaR themselves. For this reason, we introduce bupaverse
, a brand new cover-package that will not only load, but also install all the packages you need.

With the introduction of bupaverse, all your favorite packages can now be installed or loaded with just one line of code each. With depencency handling dispatched to bupaverse, the bupaR package itself will focus even more on its top priority: making the handling of process data the easiest task in the world.
Performance Spectrum
Another new member in the family we are happy to welcome is psmineR
, our Performance Spectrum Miner package. Based on the work of Denisov, V.et all (2018), it provides the tools to created detailed and aggregated performance spectrums. The number of segments, as well as the basis for classifications can flexibly be configured.

Learn more about the performance spectrums and their configurations here.
Rule-based conformance checking
After we introduced the activity log in the previous release, it is now also supported by processcheckR
for rule-based conformance checking. Extensions to the rule based are expected in one of the upcoming releases.
Last but not least, many of our visualizations have received a notable facelift, through the introduction of our very own colour scheme.

Next to these uniform colour scales, all functions now have a consistent API in case you want to use your own colours, and customize the visuals to your own liking.
For details more about the changes in this release, check out the change logs of bupaR, processmapR, and edeaR.

Curious about recent developments or do you want to know what is coming in the future? Come talk to use at Demo track of ICPM 2022 in Bozen-Bolzano, Italy!